A New Outlet Mall Is Sprouting North Of The Grapevine

By Roger Vincent, Los Angeles Times
5:00 AM PST, November 7, 2013
After a tedious car trip along Interstate 5’s fabled Grapevine stretching north through the Tehachapi Mountains, nothing seems more welcome at times than the oasis of ready food and hot coffee brewing. Soon, you can do some serious shopping too. One of the most popular stops for California travelers is about to get another roadside attraction: a $90-million outlet shopping center with more than 70 stores.
The site where I-5 and Highway 99 meet already lures 14 million people a year out of their cars, its owners said. The Starbucks there consistently ranks among the chain’s five busiest in the country. With that pipeline of visitors in mind, developers have begun work on the Outlets at Tejon Ranch, a large outdoor mall intended to offer designer-brand merchandise at value prices. It is being built by landowner Tejon Ranch Co. and New York real estate investment firm the Rockefeller Group.
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